Your Scientific Discovery Co-pilot

As part of the latest generation of LLM-enabled applications, MARA (Molecular Analysis and Reasoning Assistant) is an AI Agentic system for Scientific Informatics. This scientific co-pilot sits completely behind your IT firewall and enables your team to easily build tools and workflows that seamlessly integrate internal databases and tasks.

Results You Can Trust

Scientists have clear visibility into what tools get used and their input/output.

Mitigates AI hallucinations

Create, Integrate, and Access Tools

Easily build or integrate your existing tools using a variety of methods. These tools instantly become available for your whole organization. Access our extensive list of built in tools to aid your workflow.

Make Python Snippets accessible infrastructure

Create a tool that uses your python code or use AI to generate it.
MARA automatically creates a managed and sandboxed service for your tools.
Tools become instantly available to your whole organization.

Every tool becomes a REST Endpoint accessible to your infrastructure

Your quick python snippets become instant API endpoints
POST /api/tools/<tool_id>/run

Access 100+ Informatics Tools

API Endpoints

Quickly create a tool that can interact with API endpoints making existing infrastructure or external services easily accessible to MARA.

Query Databases

Make typical SQL queries accessible to everyone through a reusable template.
Generate SQL on the fly to answer questions.
Use natural language to construct SQL queries.

Visualize Molecules

Use natural language to manipulate atomic representation of molecular structures.
Automatically embeds an interactive molecular viewer in the chat.

Quickly Sketch 2D Molecules

Built-in 2D chemical editor for rapid ideation and drawing.
sketch molecules

Natural Language Data Engine

Automatically curates the perfect dataset from your chat.
Use natural language to manipulate data frames, making you an expert data scientist
Create and expand your dataset using plain english and all the tools at your disposal.

Private and Secure

Run MARA completely behind your I.T. Firewall using an LLM of your preference such as LLAMA 3 or a privately Azure-hosted GPT4.
Secure access via SSO-based login and key usage monitoring.
For Enterprise customers, Nanome has no access to your data.
private and secure

Create Custom Workflows

Define a complex workflow
Specify consecutive tools and execute workflows
Retrieve PDB Codes from RCSB of Target
Extract Ligands from RCSB using PDB Codes
Fetch Similar Molecules from ChEMBL
Calculate Chemical Descriptors (synthetic accessibility score, solubility, druglikeness, etc.)
Reuse and distribute workflows company wide.

Ready to try MARA?

First Impressions

Early users are very excited about MARA and how it will completely change how their team does scientific discovery.
MARA’s seamless integration of internal databases and custom tools enhances collaboration and insight sharing, empowering our team with essential data science capabilities.
Director of Data Sciences
MARA enables our team to effortlessly orchestrate multi-step informatics workflows and perform data manipulation and analysis using simple language prompts, allowing us to focus on scientific innovation.
Cheminformatics Director

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